UCPD Training & Hiring

All new police officers undergo a 16-week training program at the Chicago Police Department’s education and training academy. Incoming officers are also given instruction on ethics, diversity, and fair and impartial policing. Upon graduating from the academy, officers undergo a 12-week field-training program provided by UCPD officers and supervisors.

Every year, all of our officers receive ongoing in-service and video training. Last year, individuals vying to become University of Chicago police officers received more than 10,300 training hours while our current officers received more than 3,800 hours of formal training. 

Officer training includes procedural justice training, which equips officers with tactics on fairness and professionalism; fair and impartial policing training, which helps officers better understand the nature of bias and how illegitimate police tactics such as racial profiling can have a corrosive effect on the communities they serve; and Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training, which teaches officers how to appropriately respond to persons who may need mental health support.

UCPD officers interact with and provide help to UChicago's members, such as students and faculty, at UChicago.


The University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD) hires officers in accordance with University hiring policies. We look for skilled officers with a friendly demeanor, good communication skills, and an understanding of the community. The hiring process involves an extensive set of requirements, including successful completion of a background investigation, an undergraduate degree, written and medical exams, oral interview, psychological test, drug screen, and physical fitness test.

Applying for a Position

The UCPD encourages all interested and qualified applicants to apply for a position with the department. A candidate not chosen in a prior selection process does not necessarily eliminate that candidate from consideration in a subsequent selection process.

UCPD Personal History Questionnaire (Sworn Positions)

UCPD Personal History Questionnaire (Non-Sworn Positions)

Authorization for Background Check

Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Power Test

Police Officer Hiring Process