Community Engagement
The UCPD's goal is to maintain a positive presence in the community that it serves, employing a variety of methods to communicate safety best practices and gather feedback from members in the patrol area. Officers frequently participate in meetings with neighborhood and community organizations, in addition to groups affiliated with the University.
Officers engage with neighbors and residents in a variety of ways, including philanthropic projects such as an annual holiday toy drive for patients at Comer Children’s Hospital, mentoring and tutoring elementary school children attending one of the University of Chicago Charter Schools, and participating in friendly sporting events such as basketball or kickball with University students.
Community Relations Unit
The Community Relations Unit (CRU) helps build and strengthen relationships with members of the UChicago community and our neighbors through after-school programs, crime intervention initiatives, philanthropic projects, and other engagement activities. The CRU also works to identify and analyze crime hazards in our community and come up with strategies to help minimize them.
The unit also provides members of the University community with a variety of services, including safety presentations, community outreach initiatives, and bicycle and laptop registration. To schedule a time to register your bikes or laptops, or to schedule a safety presentation by a member of the CRU for your group, department, or organization, call 773.702.6008 or email